Ani Manjunath - Team Lead

Ani is a senior in Computer Engineering. His background is in full-stack application development. He plans to pursue a career in Product Management after graduation.

Ryan Thompson - Organization Lead

Ryan is a senior in Software Engineering with a minor in mathematics. His interests are in artifial intelligence and embedded systems which he plans on persuing after graduation.

Gabriel Rau - Software Tech Lead

Gabriel is a senior in Software Engineering with a focus on automation. In the future, he plans to learn more about cyber security.

Quinn Conrad - Client Coordinator

Quinn is a senior studying Software Engineering. His focus is in full-stack development. He plans to work on mobile and web applications.

Kylus Pettit-Ehler - Backend Tech Lead

Kylus is a senior in Computer Engineering. He is most interested in embedded systems. He plans to continue his career in software development and embedded systems after graduation.

Siyu Wang - UI/UX Coordinator

Siyu is a Senior in Software engineering. She is planning to pursue a masters degree in Computer Science.

Eric Korneisel - Testing Lead

Eric is a senior in Software Engineering. He plans to find a job in the field after graduation.